Monday, 6 February 2017

New Photograph. Feb 3rd, 2017

When author and close friend, Theresa Le Flem, and I were going to a chapter meeting of the Leicestershier RNA, I said, 'You've had your hair cut, Theresa. It looks lovely.' And she said, 'And so does yours, Maddie.' So, I took a selfie of the two of us, and Theresa took a photograph of me for the back of my new novel. The fifth book in the Dudley Sisters Saga is called, The Foxden Hotel.

This is me:

And this is us:
With lovely friend, Theresa Le Flem

We laugh a lot when we get together. It's great having a writer friend who enjoys talking about her/my/our current project. Great to have someone to bounce ideas off. And to drink coffee and eat cakes with. Drinking coffee is hungry work...

These are the cakes:

Only joking....

We had scrumptious tea-cakes at Karter's in Church Street, Lutterworth. 
Their's is the best coffee in town.

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